Prestige Pass - Does the single use fast pass work on Top Thrill 2?

With Prestige Pass, you get a single use fast pass each visit. Does this work on Top Thrill 2? Thanks in advance!

Mentor, Ohio

You'd have to ask the park to be certain, but my inclination is yes. Because TT2 is a Fast Lane plus ride and the one-time use is also for Fast Lane plus.

thank you

Mentor, Ohio

You're welcome

JK125's avatar

How does the single day fast lane work for Top Thrill 2? Do you get a piece of paper for your one time use? Or are there different bracelets for single day vs all season and their new scanners control it?

Same wristbands but they are activated as either a single day fast lane or a season pass fast lane when you receive them. The barcodes are then scanned at each ride.

Wonder how in depth their tracking is with the new scanners. Do they just authenticate, or do they log each use? I doubt they would have spent money on the scanners unless they thought they could get something out of the data. Or maybe too many people were cheating it. If they were willing to share, it would be interesting to get an end of year report on my riding statistics.

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